Fiber TraceViewer questions & answers

JDSU OFS-100 Fiber Trace is post-processing software for optical-layer test data analysis
Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

Since no website was found with the software mentioning its license terms, I believe that you can use it for your needs without any restrictions.

The Fiber TraceViewer is still available for download. I've saved the installation package and installed it on Windows 10 64bit without issues.

Question by Bill
May 4, 2017

How can I edit trace information on a .msor file? It's "grayed out".

Answer by Alex Urbach

Unfortunately, I can't really say how to edit the MSOR file because the program is nowhere to be found. I've used Google and what appears to be the official website and the results were 0.

I recommend reading the built-in Help documentation to obtain additional details regarding the way you can modify the contents of that file because nothing can be obtained from the developers.

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Fiber Trace Viewer

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